tchop™ embeds
A simple collection of embeddable tchop™ cards.
Puggy had a bad day.

You talkin´ to me?

2020-01-14T13:35:38.000ZThis is the default tchop™ image card. It contains an image with caption, a headline and text.

2020-01-14T15:01:10.000ZYou can share any url on the web.
National Geographic

Parrots help others in need, study shows for first time

African gray parrots will help other members of their species in need, the first time such charitable behavior has been documented among birds. Scientists already knew African grays are particularly clever, with large brains and exceptional problem-solving skills. But they wondered if these birds-separated from great apes by some 300 million years of evolution-also possess complex social abilities, like helping one another.

2020-01-16T13:35:04.000ZThat´s an article with small teaser layout
Polly wants a cracker.

Animated gifs? Offff corrrse...

2020-01-17T11:17:16.000ZImage cards can not only contain static images. Animated gifs are possible, too. Simply upload an image or paste the URL of an animated gif.

Why do whales make sounds?

2020-01-14T15:10:35.000ZWhales are very social creatures that travel in groups called “pods.” They use a variety of noises to communicate and socialize with each other. The three main types of sounds made by whales are clicks, whistles, and pulsed calls.

Video? Yes we can!

2020-01-14T14:02:19.000Ztchop™ cards can contain all kinds of media. Like cute videos — even in colour.

2020-01-14T13:48:36.000ZThese bears have come to agree that humans are pretty much okay.
2020-01-14T15:35:54.000ZEmbed instagram cards...
National Geographic
@natgeo · 2020-01-13T23:35:28.000Z

Photo by Cristina Mittermeier @Mitty | As @paulnicklen disappeared into the forest on one of the many islands that grace the rugged coast of British Columbia to look for wolves, I was left alone on the beach to make sure our Zodiac boat would not wash away.

Racoon at Moscow Zoo, Russia

Science of sleep

2020-01-14T13:36:29.000ZCum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum.